Brisbane, QLD

Thursday, June 27, 2024


 Bill and I have been a bag of miseries lately. Both of us have back pain. We have been staying home most of the time. However, our lovely friends, Peter and Val, asked us if we would like a drive into the country for a day's outing. It was so nice of them to offer to drive us up the ranges to Toowoomba and Crows Nest. We stopped at Fernvale Bakery for morning tea. Country towns have the best bakeries. This one has become so popular it is now a big cafe.

We parked in the backyard of the cafe where we saw this old truck now a garden sculpture.

We walked through the outdoor area of the cafe, where people were sitting in the winter sun. Some even in shorts and t-shirt. (must be from the colder southern states) Not us we looked towards the warm interior of the cafe.

A typical country cafe. Bll and our friends Val and Peter.

While waiting for coffee and cake I admired the door windows.

After our refreshments , Peter drove us over the Wyvenhoe Dam wall and into the the ranges. 

We stopped in the small town of Crows Nest for lunch at the hotel, famous for good meals. We weren't disappointed.

Then on we went to Tooowoomba and took a drive around the new international airport. By now I was getting tired and didn't take any photos. In the afternoon winter sun we headed home on the new highway down the ranges.

The days are short now and it was almost dark when we arrived home. We waved goodbye to Val and Peter and thought how lucky we are to have such thoughtful friends.


  1. That was a nice excursion ! Must have been good for you ! We have now long days, it gets clear from 4 am on and becomes dark around 11 pm ! It's very hot 30°, 3 days before we had 18 ! You never know how to dress ! I wished I would go out, but now it is too hot all I can do is sitting on the terrace of our beautiful park ! But that's nice too !

  2. I have noticed that Australians use the term “ ranges” quite often. What exactly does it mean? How does it differ from hills or mountains?

  3. this was the perfect outing, friends and not a lot of walking. I smiled at the opening line of your post today, Bill and I have been a bag of miseries lately. just change the name to Bob and I and you have our days... must be the AGE ha ha... I can tell you if i were a zillionaire and could fly without being sick, i would have a 2nd home where you live and spend our summer months in your winter. I love our winter months here. I would live 5 months in your country and the rest here and have the best of both worlds... I don't like extreme heat/cold..

  4. That was a nice present of them to take you out fo ra birthday present!

  5. How wonderful it is indeed to have such lovely friends who offered to take you for a drive, and to a nice place too. The new highway to and from Toowoomba is great, we've been on it.

  6. Fun outing and beautiful photos. The last two landscapes are my favorite. Take care, have a great day!

  7. That's so nice of your friends. You had such a fine time out, and I note my knowledge of the controversial Wyvenhoe Dam

  8. The old truck in photo #1 could belong to that old rogue in the BBC series - "Heartbeat".
    Old "Greengrass" would love it. Not so sure about Bernie, the garage owner and undertaker!!

  9. How wonderful to have friends like that. Sounds like a great day out.
