Yesterday was the last day of my recent contract to teach upper Primary School (Elementary) children, who have difficulty learning to Read and Write. So I thought I would show you around my workshop. I only teach 3 children at a time,..... I have a little room......

situated between two double teaching spaces, where Years 5,6 and 7 work.

These spaces open onto a wet area for Art, Cooking, Science and small group work. This area opens to the outside, teaching areas and playground.

The advantage of a double teaching area you can have two teachers helping you. The children have finished their end of year tests and they are now completing an Art assignment....

........sewing an advent calendar.

The Information Centre
The Author/Illustrator Narelle Oliver visited the school and ran a workshop on making prints.
Here are some of the children's prints.

Our school year finishes on 12 Dec. and the new year starts on the 27 Jan. So the children are about to hold elections for school captains and vice captains so the school is plastered with election posters.

School bag racks outside the classrooms

A gazebo outside the classroom. Used for learning and relaxing.

Outside the classrooms

Rainwater tanks to help during drought times.

The tuck shop, the lunches have been ordered and made and are now in the baskets waiting for the lunch monitors to pick up and take to the classroom.

The undercover area where the children eat lunch, there are 3 teachers supervising them. It is a small school with about 360 students from Prep to Year 7 (4 -12 yrs old). They wear a blue and gold uniform, they must wear a hat if playing outside.

Meanwhile teachers have lunch in the staff room.

Then the kids can play here or....


.... but not here, this is out of bounds. It is behind the oval and close to the environmenal area where the odd snake has been sighted.

They love playing cricket or football here. They also play softball, netball and tennis. They go swimming too.

They can play here.......

......and rest here.

School's out I can get in my little red car and go home and play blogging.