It's a long time since I have added to "My Story" where I have been scanning old photos and remembering my past. I have published it in a series of books but still haven't quite finished. I used to write it here first and then make a book but after a while I changed the system and just went straight into the book. But I'm going to continue here with snippets from the past.
Back in 1984 Just after my father had died, I promised my mother to take her on holidays. She always wanted to visit the Whitsunday Islands on the Great Barrier Reef off the coast of northern Queensland.
So during the school holidays I took her and the girls to Lindeman Island. Bill had to work but he had recently been on a trip to Fiji, as a reward for using York equipment at work.
We flew to Proserpine and then caught a ferry to the island. The water was blue as blue and the weather was perfect even though it was winter. We stayed in a nice resort and it catered for families. There was a kid's club and loads of activities for everyone.
The kids go on a boat ride to a camping spot and stay overnight.
They loved playing in the pool and making friends. They were 10 and 12.
We went on hikes through the National Park
Mum enjoyed her island holiday. 
One day we went on a launch trip around some other islands in the Whitsunday group. Daydream Is, South Molle Is, Hayman Is, and Shaw Is. We didn't do them all far too many. It was a great experience and beautiful scenery.
The resort on Lindeman was owned by P&O shipping line then but it was sold to Club Med in 1992. However, the resort was closed in 2012 after being destroyed by Cyclone Yasi. It was purchased by a Chinese Company, which was going to redevelop the site but the project failed. It was bought this year by a Singaporian family but there is still no redevelopment. We were lucky to be able to enjoy the place back in 1984.