Brisbane, QLD

Thursday, June 20, 2024


 Every year our Managing Director Chiou See organises and cooks for the local volunteers like Meals on Wheels etc. This year she did it for the resident volunteers who keep the village ticking over with activities. We were invited because Bill makes videos of events and posts them on YouTube and then on the village FaceBook Page. I collect photos to make posters for each month's activities to pin onto the Storyboard in the Community Centre. All the office staff and Chiou See's family did the cooking, serving and cleaning up. It was a lovely meal and we had the Queensland Police Pipe and Drums to entertain us.

You may be wondering what could all these residents do to help in the village. I will list some but I can't remember all of them. They organise activities like the Workshop where the keen participants make and fix things for residents as well as have a car check and knife sharpening days. They man the BBQ for other events. There is a group which man the Bar for events. The Dinner Committee put on our dinners, the social committee organise trips and events. Some organise Friday night Happy Hour. Others organise Pizza Night and Movie Night. We have a singing group, cards, games, darts, pool, craft and chat, line dancing and the Circle of Men. We have people who distribute the morning papers and others who act as balloon fairies in the dead of night tying balloons onto the fence of those celebrating birthdays. Eddie catches and removes snakes that visit now and then. Some help in the garden and the list goes on.

We are having state elections soon and we had a budding member of parliament gave us a talk. See Bill doing his videography.

We had the local council member attend and take photos for her FB page about what is happening in her division. See my posters in the background.

The band had us participating in their songs. It was a fun lunch.


  1. Looks like a nice lunch and great event. I am glad someone is there catching and removing the snakes.
    Take care, enjoy your day!

  2. Making lunches for the volunteers is a great idea. Not only can the volunteers afford to work without a salary, but also the lunches look like very sociable gatherings in their own right.

  3. That is quite a crowd and it’s great to see this kind of involvement from and for different segments of your community.

  4. I would have enjoyed it because I love pipe and drums and dancing. wow on all the wonderful things your place does. there is something for everyone..... that is a wonderful and long list of jobs all of these people do.

  5. You do have lots of fun meals there.

  6. How wonderful most if not all in the village come along and give their help. Love pipe bands.
    Hope you are well Diane..
    Saw Bill and your posters - well done to you both.

  7. You also found a "happy" place ! I like the fact that there are so many activities and if we want, we don't have to die of boredom ! Our "castle" has less residents I don't know exactly but certainly not more then 100. We have now two "entertainers" again and the only home with activities on weekends ! A our park is so huge, everybody can help with pulling out weeds or planting flowers, that's not for me but there are others who have green thumbs. One misses her household work !! (not me) but she helps folding napkins and is happy with that ! The lady who is 100 years old sits in a wheelchair, but she participates and is in a better shape as some politicians ! Still very intelligent and witty ! I am really happy to be here, I realized that I can't live alone in a building where nobody knows each other.

  8. I'm always impressed by the event meals where you live. It looks like you have a fantastic group of volunteers who help make everything happen.

  9. What an excellent gathering your volunteer lunch was.

    All the best Jan

  10. What a wonderful community you live in, Diane.
