Brisbane, QLD

Thursday, June 13, 2024


 Walking is good for healing back surgery so everyday I try to go a bit further. One bright sunny winter's day we went to Underwood Park for a walk around the lagoon.  We have had a lot of rain so the pond is a muddy colour.

There is a boardwalk which meanders through the Melaleuca trees which like growing in wetlands.

The trees make interesting patterns and reflections.

Walking slowly but it doesn't hurt while walking only when sitting and lying down but the sciatica has gone!

The ducks were very active splashing and flapping everywhere. The iPhone  camera is not the best for wildlife in the distance but they are a lot lighter to carry than my Canon Camera.


  1. You are correct that walking carefully doesn't hurt, but sitting down, standing up and turning around may be unpleasant. Thank goodness that the sciatica ended....otherwise you would never be able to discuss gym exercises with the ducks :)

  2. so happy to see you walking again and to hear the sciatica is gone.. those trees are so beautiful. we finally got rain after 4 years of none and of course it is bringing way to much. if you see the Florida flooding, so far we are doing ok, we got 4 inches not the 12 and 17 others are getting. we have 3 more days that we might get a lot of rain..

  3. Rather amazing reflections and such a nice park for a walk.
    It's good to hear your sciatica has gone. Success.
    I've pretty well given up carrying a camera. The phone often does a better job. The camera a X40 zoom does long distance much better though. By your photos, you have a quite new phone.

  4. Oh Diane, so pleased your pain has gone as in the sciatica, that is good news.
    I expect the other pain will go in time. Can understand using the phone for photos and what a lovely place with beautiful reflections...well done.

  5. Glad to read you're on the mend. We are getting ready to go to Switzerland for two weeks so rather than fumbling with a camera I got a lanyard for my iPhone. I won't need to worry about dropping it by mistake.

  6. I hope you are back to normal soon, keep walking. Take care, enjoy your day!

  7. Good to hear that the sciatica has gone at last. What a lovely place for a walk.

  8. Beautiful photos and good news about the sciatica. It's good to get out in nature and walking is helping you too.

  9. Glad to read this update, Diane, and to see that you and Bill are walking and slow walking is good too, anything to keep moving.

  10. So good to see you out enjoying walking again even if at a slower pace. Hopefully this will bring relief to sitting and lying very soon. I love this section of Underwood Park. I must visit again.

  11. I love seeing those trees growing in the wetlands. Very pretty. I'm glad to read that you're able to get out and walk and I wish you a very speedy recovery.

  12. That's wonderful that you can walk again without pain ! Your pictures are beautiful, what strange trees. I am dressed like you, the only difference is that it's winter on your side and summer on my side !
    It rains all the time and it is cold, impossible to walk in our beautiful park, I have to haunt the castle's looong corridors !

  13. Looks like the kind of habitat I would love to explore. I salivate just imagining the range of wildlife to be found there, to say nothing of the inherent qualities of these unique trees. Wonderful place!

  14. Yes 'Motion Is Lotion' and I am pleased you are getting back to walking.
    This post may interest you!

    Nice to see your photographs.

    Take care of yourself.

    All the best Jan

  15. I am so glad that you are getting out and about. Happy to hear the sciatica pain is gone and that you can walk and get some fresh air.
    That is a lovely place to walk. I love the reflections you captured.
    Keep healing and going further.

  16. Oh dear, I commented here the other day ... is it in spam folder I wonder?

    All the best Jan
