Brisbane, QLD

Monday, June 24, 2024


 Today is my 82nd birthday. It's good to know that I made it to another birthday. Health has been on a slippery slope since I turned 80 but soldiering on. We had a little family celebration on the weekend with Sonya and her family. It's so nice to have them living in the same city now. They asked if I would like to go to a restaurant or have Bernie cook for me. I preferred the latter where we could be in our comfortable home with our bubbly family.

Bernie likes cooking and he bought all the ingredients and set about cooking a delicious lemon pasta and salmon dish with apple pie and ice cream for dessert.

Banjo and Bernie serve up dessert.

It's so nice to see these kids more than once a year. Fox.

We both have sore backs at the moment so it is lovely to be looked after by the young ones.

We put two candles in the apple pie but they dribbled wax into the pie so they were quickly extracted and held by the boys for me to blow out on my 82nd birthday.

Today is my actual birthday so Bill and I went to the local cafe for lunch. A quiet time together.


  1. Happy birthday! You made a wise choice to stay home with family. Much more agreeable than a noisy restaurant.

  2. A very happy Birthday to you, you still look great! I have not reached the 80 yet...

  3. Happy birthday!!!! Take lots of special photos.

    I didn't think birthday parties for adults was very special... just a drink and present at dinner on the night was caring enough. But years ago I said I had to make my father a very special 75th birthday dinner, in a lovely big restaurant close to home. It was the same time as my husband's 50th birthday and my son's 25th birthday. We had great speeches, a professional photographer and luscious food.

    Today two of my three special men have passed away, but I have framed the photos and still get a great deal of pleasure from that special evening.

  4. Congratulations. You certainly don't look 82. I agree with you about enjoying a meal together in the family home especially when you are waited on hand and foot.

  5. Happy birthday to you! Great photos of the family! Take care, have a wonderful week!

  6. this makes me so happy for both of you that they are close enough to come for your birthday. the best gift in the world to me is having someone else cook my meal. I do despise cooking and always have. it seems like our health changes at each 10 year anniversary and the further past the age ending in zero it gets worse.. I am close behind you and know what a sore back is and also slippery sloped health issues for both of us... happy 82nd Birthday... your young boys are so very handsome as is their dad

  7. Happy birthday, Diane! I can fully understand how wonderful it is to have your family close to celebrate with you. I'm sure our cold weather isn't helping the sore backs.

  8. Happy birthday. You're almost exactly ten years older than me (and a good role model). I was only thinking the other day that since I turned 70, my body seems to have gone downhill, luckily not health (as far as I know!) But many more wrinkles and seemingly really thin, dry skin. So heaven knows what I'll be like at 82. But, as my sister reminds me, having birthdays is better than the alternative! Glad you're able to see more of your family now.

  9. A very Happy Birthday to you, Diane! So lovely to have your family there close by. Bernie's meal does sound delicious; being treated to a specially prepared meal in your own comfortable home is the best gift of all I would say. You are surrounded by love. Many more years to you and Bill!

  10. Happy Birthday Diane. You are both looking good even though you both must be in pain with your backs, hoping they improve. The B cooked sounds delicious. Lovely photos of all.

  11. Happy 82nd birthday. You're looking good for that number!

  12. Belated Happy 🎂🎉 Birthday wishes to you, Diane, and celebrating with family at home looked wonderful and the menu sounded delicious as well. Sorry to read about the back issues of yourself and Bill, and hope you will both be feeling better soon. Nice that you did get out to a favorite place for a quiet celebration together.

  13. A very Happy Birthday to you. It's wonderful to have someone cook for you especially someone who enjoys cooking. It's fun too to have your family near enough to see them regularly.

  14. Happy birthday, Diane.
    I reckon you could still swing a hockey stick with plenty of vim.
    The Swiss gentleman next to you also looks a picture of his Swiss Alpine
    exploits skills.
