Another day in LA. Sonya took Carol and I for a morning walk up a very steep hill overlooking LA. It is called Runyan Canyon walk. Bernie stayed home while Banjo had a nap but Fox insisted on coming with us. He was told over and over he had to walk and there would be no carrying.
Carol runs to the edge for a good shot.
People living up here have a view for miles and miles.
Unfortunately it was smoggy this morning but it lifted by lunchtime. The CBD is in the misty distance. Little 3 year old Fox walked all the way up to the top without complaining. He was a champ!
However, on the way down his little legs grew tired. Mommy, who is always prepared had a fold up sling for him to sit in on her back. We were soon on the road back to the car.
Later, Sonya went to work, Bernie minded the boys and Carol and I went exploring. We had driven past these beautiful buildings and we wanted to see them up close. Bernie told us it is The Pacific Design Centre.
The PDC is on a 14acre campus and it has 1,200,00 sq ft of space for multi purpose uses by the design community. There is a huge decorating and furniture market with 130 showrooms.
The Blue Centre was opened first in 1975, the green Centre in 1988 and the Red Centre in 2011. It was designed by Cesar Pelli. We walked through the Blue Centre which was full of furniture showrooms but we couldn't get into the other buildings, which were probably offices and car parks.
We rang Sonya and asked what else we could see in this area in walking distance. She gave us directions to The Beverley Centre an up market shopping complex. Carol and I looked at one another and smiled and whooped at the thought of a shopping spree. Hours later, Sonya picked us up, with our swollen shopping bags and empty wallets, on her way home from work.

I bought another pair of sneakers. Banjo took them off me, sat down and put them on. He loved them.
Fox was waiting for dinner.