At the beginning of the year I leant my little car, a Getz, to our eldest daughter and husband to go to Sydney and settle in there. They sent back the Getz on a truck. I was pleased to getz her back after she had done a good job taking care of Carol and David. The Getz is a good little workhorse.
This week our youngest daughter and family came from Sydney to visit us and other friends and relations. So Getz was on the job again. Sonya and Bernie organised a hiring company to come to our house a fit a baby capsule into the Getz so we could pick them up from the airport and so that they could borrow the Getz while here.
After their stay with us Bernie and Sonya drove north to The Sunshine Coast to stay a few nights with baby Fox's Uncle Steve and Aunty Nadine. From there they drove to the airport where we met them to pick up the Getz and say goodbye. It was a learning curve for the new parents to see if they could cope with baby on holidays.
At the airport Papa getz the baby out of the capsule in the Getz.
Baby getz put into the baby back pack which is a front pack at the moment.
Mum getz the baby, Papa getz the luggage and I getz the Getz back.
There was a mountain of luggage, pram, portacot, blankets, nappies etc. Fox had more luggage than mum and dad together. But he was an angel. He was pulled out of the car, pushed into a back pack, pulled out again to go through the security check, put back in again and out again to wait for the plane and he never complained once.
One last cuddle for grandma before he jets away to Melbourne to visit his paternal grandparents for a few days before flying back home to Sydney.
When we got home with the two cars the man soon arrived to getz the baby capsule out of the Getz. It is a great service for travelling babies.
Then the Getz getz her shelf back in and she's happy to have been of service again. Now she can have a rest with the little old lady driving her to the shops.