Brisbane, QLD

Sunday, March 2, 2025


 It was a sad day when we received an email advising us that our managing director is selling our village. She didn't want to but her business partner wanted to sell. So after weeks of negotiations a suitable buyer was found and now Chiou See is on her way to new adventures. We had a farewell party at Happy Hour last Friday and Lion Dancers were invited to make it a Chinese New Year celebration too.

The residents representatives from Elements Springwood and Elements Carindale give a farewell speech and gift from us all.
A lion's kiss for Rosa.

The hungry lions attempt to eat some residents.
Linda makes a nice dinner
Diane getting consumed.
We feed the lions with little red envelopes containing money. Their fee for entertaining us.

Chiou See feeding her grandson to the lion.


  1. When your village is sold, what will happen to the facilities and residents?

  2. That is sad she is leaving, and you have new owners. Guess something will change there.
    Hope all goes well.
    Looks as if everyone had a good time.

  3. She has been a rather good owner, boss and manager since you moved in, as I read it. It will be sad to see her go, and no doubt sad for her too. She must become a bit attached to some residents.

  4. I hope the new owners can compete with the wonderful events that Chiou See has organised over the years.

  5. I know you will miss her creativity and leadership. I hope new owner can fill her shoes.

  6. A very special farewell. I hope the new management treats you as well as Chiou See obviously has.

  7. so sorry, I hope you get someone as good as she was. I know you all loved her
