Brisbane, QLD

Saturday, September 14, 2024


 It's a long time since reading and writing posts. Sorry friends. I have been sick with a gastro virus again and just trying to get through the day's chores was hard. I'm feeling better now but still have nerve pain in my thigh.

 However, we have beautiful Spring weather, birds and flowers. And it is my beautiful daughter, Sonya's fiftieth birthday today. She is my youngest, my baby, all grown up. The family went to Japan to celebrate. We will celebrate later when they return and her sister can come from Melbourne.

Spring is here.

Holiday in Japan with friends.

My baby is fifty.


  1. Sorry to hear you have been ill Diane. I hope your thigh pain will also resolve. Happy birthday to your beautiful baby.

  2. Belated birthday wishes to your daughter. How the years slip by.

  3. I'm sure that makes you feel very youthful. Best wishes to Sonya.

  4. Happy Birthday to your Baby Girl.. what a fun birthday trip and she is looking amazing and oh so happy

  5. Oh my, Diane, how time flies.
    Happy Birthday to Sonya and they look to be having a great time in Japan.
    I'm sorry to read you have had gastro once again, let's hope, never again!
    The pain in your leg is a real pain and such a nuisance to put up with day in day out....
    Your photos are beautiful and it's so lovely to see the spring flowers.
    Take care.

  6. Well your "baby" is lovely...Happy Birthday. Japan, what a way to celebrate.
    Glad you are on the mend. Pain and viruses are awful. Continued move toward full health.
    Oh and Happy Spring to you we are almost into Fall here.

  7. It's understandable that you've been away, especially while dealing with illness. I'm glad to hear you're feeling better, even though the nerve pain persists. How wonderful to have beautiful Spring weather around you, and a big happy 50th to your daughter Sonya! Celebrating later with the family sounds like it will be a special time, especially after their Japan trip.

    Wishing you a lovely weekend. You are invited to read my new blog post:

  8. 50 is a landmark... the new middle age. But your daughter looks young and gorgeous. Happy days!

  9. Scary thought when the children grow up so quickly. I hope that you soon feel better. We have had visitors for the past week and we loved having them, but it is going to take us a few days to recover!
    Take care, t'other Diane

  10. What a beautiful 50-year-old. Happy birthday, Sonya. Sorry you haven't been well. Wishing you complete healing, Thank you for popping over to my blog. If you check my post today (I celebrate an anniversary) AND I have good news about the laptop. Your nature images are beautiful, Diane. I am wondering about the bird?

  11. I just don't know where the years have gone. Your daughter looks far too young to be 50. Sorry to hear you have been unwell and hope you continue with a speedy recovery. Enjoy the spring flowers.

  12. Now Sonia followed in my DIL's footsteps she turned 50 too, my "baby" is 51 now ! He didn't want to celebrate ! Very beautiful photos !
