Brisbane, QLD

Monday, August 12, 2024


'Woe is me' is a very old idiom meaning a way to express sadness or disappointment at an unfair situation. It is regarded as a humorous idiom these days however it was first used in the bible in the book of Job, which makes it a very old saying.

Anyway I have had a taxing time of late so this felt like an appropriate title. I had spinal surgery in May. It was to decompress the nerves from L5 to take away the pain of sciatica in my right leg. The op was successful in that the pain has gone from my right leg but now I have it in my left thigh. The pain was so bad last week that I went to ER where they admitted me to the same ward where I recovered from the op. The surgeon ordered another MRI. He says I have two problems with L4 now. So more tests are in store. I was given a different pain killer and it is working well now. When I came out of hospital, Bill was coughing and tested positive for Covid and he hadn't left the unit the whole three days that I was in hospital but neighbours called in to check on him. One f them must have been infectious but didn't know. Anyway he is getting over it and I didn't catch it, thank goodness.

Views of the city from my hospital room.

I can still manage a walk around the village everyday and I love admiring all the gardens.


  1. The first surgery was to decompress the nerves from L5 to take away the pain of right leg sciatica. But now you have it in my left thigh?? I understand that the pain was so bad for a second time that the surgeon ordered another MRI, but I don't understand why the pain changed sides.

    So Adventure Before Dementia is a great title for the blog :)

    1. I understand that it is now L4 being compressed and presenting on the left side. I'm well acquainted with L4 compression myself - no fun at all.

  2. I am sorry that your other leg is now making troubles ! I probably had the same as Bill, but it lasted only one day. We don't do Covid tests anymore, because the medication is the same like with a cold, and then we all have had 3 or even 4 vaccines. That's a nice place with flowers you can do your walks. Here it is so hot, can't even move a finger !

  3. I hope you're soon feeling better - it's no fun being in pain all the time as I well know (though I'm OK at the moment). My brother managed to pick up Covid a few weeks ago and he feels he could only have caught it in the hospital. Take care.

  4. This must all be very troubling. I hope the surgeons are able to help and get everything functioning as it should. All the best - David

  5. I am so sorry to hear of your hospitalisation again, it must be very difficult to go through all the pain and I hope the medication continues to help and that your husband is getting better too. The flower photos are lovely and I am pleased you can still get out and enjoy them. Wishing you all the best.

  6. Oh my, I hope the meds continue to work for you. I hope that Bill is recovery well from the Covid.
    Take care, enjoy your day and have a great week!

  7. Bom dia, Diane
    Passando por aqui para conhecer o seu blog, gostei muito. Deus abençoe sempre vocês, desejo uma ótima recuperação, um forte abraço.

  8. Oh, my dear, what a time you have had. I'm so sorry for the pain. Happy to hear the new meds are helping that. Prayers for continued healing.
    Sorry about the nasty Covid and so glad you didn't get it too.
    Your flower photos from your walk around the grounds are so lovely. I especially like the "torch" flowers. They look like Corn on the Cob..haha..

  9. Trouble usually goes in two: two eyes, two knees, two hands, two legs.

  10. So sorry to read of this setback, Diane. I had a feeling there was a problem when you hadn't posted. I do hope no further surgery is required. How unlucky was Bill!
    Beautiful flowers to lift your spirits and this week's rain will feed our spring blossoms.

  11. so sorry to hear the woe is continuing and poor Bill, stay home and catch Covid. that is indeed WOE.. glad you are back on your feet. that view out your window is healing to me. one thing that is still working well is your camera skills. gorgeous photos

  12. Oh my goodness you really are both having a bad time and I hope that the left leg responds to pain killers as I am sure you do not want another op.
    I am far behind in blogging because we bought the adjoining barn to our house which is huge and with another garden, It needed lot of restoration work done to it and we are both much slower than we used to be. We are slowly getting there but there is still lots of painting to be done. It has two huge doors at the front and then another four smaller doors. They all need painting green to match the rest of the house. Garden work has multiplied and we still have to put in a new septic tanks as our old one has been condemned despite the fact it is working perfectly. We had to get in people to empty all the junk in the barn and two adjoining rooms. It took two days and many truck loads!!! The barn (as is the house) is over 200 years old, and some of the junk I would guess had been there for over 100 years including hay still lying in the feeders!
    I still do Blipfoto which I have been doing for over 10 years now and this means a photo a day. Take a look, you might enjoy it and if you miss a day it is not a big problem. I follow it under the name of Charente.

  13. Sorry published before I had finished, Take care both of you, Cheers t'other Diane.

  14. Sorry to hear about your spinal problems. I hope you are going to get better very soon. Your blog has been an inspiration to me - love all the stories. Di Wellington-Miller - Far North Queensland

  15. Oh my goodness! Covid and an emergency room visit! You two have been busy!
    Take care and praying y'all will soon be feeling better!

  16. Stunning photos So sorry to hear about your pain and struggles. I wish you a speedy recovery. Take care xxxx Covid is going around here as well. You get it all at the same time. Hope Bill is feeling better

  17. I feared you may have had a set back. I hope things get sorted soon. Glad you can walk a little and have such lovely flowers to view, you take such magnificent photos of them.

  18. Oh my goodness Diane, I am so sorry about all this. If it doesn’t rain it pours! Good to know you are out of the hospital and able to take your walks around the village. I also hope Bill is feeling better.

  19. You have certainly had a tough time in recent months, Diane, as has Bill. I hope you will both be feeling better and as you posted the lovely flower photos it was nice to see you were out and aout, perhaps a bit slower, but being out is a good thing.

  20. Sorry to hear about all your pain. I hope that things improve for you.

  21. Gosh, you and Bill have had a time of it. I hope it is all sorted soon. It's good that you can still get out for walks with your camera.
