Brisbane, QLD

Thursday, July 18, 2024


 I decided to extend my short walks from the village into Daisy Hill Forest which I can access from the village as it was built right next to the forest. There is also a public access at the end of our road just outside our main gate. However, the forest access isn't the main entrance to the forest and not many people use it, just locals. So I ventured into the forest for a short walk.

I love being amongst the trees and seeing the winter sun dancing on the undergrowth.

There is a handy log for a rest.

While sitting there I gazed at the canopy and the beautiful blue sky.

Time to head back  over the storm water culvert and I passed an artistic stump.

I can see our village peeping through the trees.

The public access at the end of our road. The village Gate 2 is on the right.

Instead of going in Gate 2, I walked along the footpath to Gate 1.You can see it is a quiet street with large properties on the other side.

When I woke up and opened the shutters I saw these cockatoos having a feast of flowers from my next door neighbour, Rhonda's garden and then fly across the street and perch on neighbour Eva's roof.


  1. It looks so lovely and peaceful (apart, I suppose, from the cockatoos!) Your winter looks like our summer.

  2. A nice walk for sure. The tree log needs a backrest to make a comfortable resting seat.

  3. Thanks for taking us along on your extended walk Diane. Hope your pain isn't too bad.
    Lovely area.

  4. I have only seen cockatoos in captivity, at jungle Gardens.. even the walk on the sidewalk is beautiful. that is one lovely place to walk and my favorite view is looking up through that canopy.. so glad you were able to walk there and back..

  5. I have a friend in Canberra who refers to Sulphur-crested Cockatoos as Sulphur-crested Vandals, but she loves them too. And so do I.

  6. Beautiful views from your walk! I love the Cockatoos! Take care, enjoy your day!

  7. Such beautiful country...and I love the cockatoos!

  8. Diane, it was so nice to see that you were able to return, however limited, to one of your favorite activities.

  9. Hi Diane, thank you for taking us on this short walk. You took some beautiful photos. A great finish with those cockatoos.

  10. You've got to love our blue sunny winter skies, if not the winds of this week! Lovely image of the cockatoos!

  11. Nice pictures of your walk. Thanks for taking us along with you.
    I like the shot of the cockatoos. I have never actually seen one, but for some reason I imagined them to be bigger birds.

  12. Another lovely walk that you have shared, looks very quiet and peaceful and so close to home. Those cheeky cockatoos can cause a fair bit of damage, but they are lovely.

  13. A beautiful place to walk and it will be cool under the trees I would imagine as well. Have a good week, t'other Diane

  14. Lovel to see you walking in the forest again.

  15. I like walking through a forest, it smells good and makes me feel light and calm ! How cute to see all these cockatoos lined up ! When I look out of my window I see crows making a terrible noise and pick up bread which some people threw on the lawn ! Sometimes I feel like in Hitchkock's movie "the birds!

  16. The forest walk looks so peaceful - trees exude calm. I hope they also help to quiet your pain.

  17. I'm so happy to see you out and about. What a place to walk! Very serene and love the tree stump place to sit and rest.
    I love seeing the wild cockatoos flitting about. All we get are sparrows and doves. Love them but the exotic is a lot more fun for me.

  18. you are extremely fortunate to have such peace so close to home! My son is in your neck of the woods these next few weeks.

  19. Oh what a pleasure to have that beautiful forest so close by and love these birds as well

  20. Looks like the perfect Winter's day in Brisbane. So glad you can now get out for a longer walk.
