Brisbane, QLD

Sunday, May 12, 2024


 Some readers probably know that I have been suffering from sciatica since September last year. It gradually got worse and worse until I could hardly walk. I had physiotherapy,  I had a cortisone injection into my spine and all to no avail. Finally my GP said it looks like an operation. I was mortified. Many people I know who have had spine operations have not been cured and have had to go back for more. However, I went along to the neurosurgeon for his diagnosis. He was armed with my X-rays and showed me the problem and how he could fix it. He said you can take pain killers of have a keyhole operation to remove the ligament inside the spinal column which was causing the problem. I said I'll try the pain killers. He said okay but you'll be back.  After a few more months of pain, I bit the bullet and consented to the operation, which took place last week. I was only in hospital overnight and sent home dosed up with pain killers and an anaesthetic injection.

Our lovely daughters were here to help out at home. Carol flew from Melbourne for a week and worked remotely. Sonya has moved to Brisbane but she was learning a new job and settling the boys into a new school while Bernie had a job, which sent him away for a while. However, they came over to see me when I came home from hospital.

The moment Carol brought me home.

The next day Sonya and family came to visit with their cute dog, Chief, the Border Terrier.

The next day the meds had worn off and the pain kicked in. Every time I moved it was agony. Anyway, I upped the painkillers to real strong ones, which made me feel drunk and loopy, so I stopped them and took milder ones. Carol was a great help doing everything for me. Bill also did as much as he could. After a week and constipation, I finally am starting to feel human again with no sciatica.

Carol had to return to Melbourne on Saturday so on Friday night we had a get together with Sonya's family in their rented house in a Brisbane inner suburb. Carol drove us over to their house and she made a cake for Fox's fourteenth birthday.

We were celebrating Fox's Birthday, our 55th Wedding Anniversary, Mother's Day and the sale of Sonya and Bernie's house in Melbourne so they can buy one here now. It was my first outing since my op. Lots to celebrate. We ate cheese and crackers washed down with wine (not me on pain killers) while Bernie cooked dinner.

The best mother's day present is to be with our girls.

Bernie was home from his job and he whipped up a pizza party. 

We sang Happy Birthday

Then it was time to say goodbye. 
Carol took this photo of the Brisbane part of the family now. We are so happy to have them home. (But now Bernie is separated from his mother and four siblings and Sonya from her sister.)
Carol is back in Melbourne now and we are slowly getting back to normal. 


  1. Congratualtions on your 55th wedding anniversary, an incredible milestone. Continue recovering well and hopefully you will soon be back walking with your friends.

  2. You have been through the wars. Fingers crossed the pain eases soon. Must be so good to have at least half your family close by.

  3. I very much enjoyed your celebrations, all of them at one time and I can't believe how grown up your grandsons are. wow, where did the time go. Happy Anniversary, Happy Birthday, Happy surgery did good day, Happy Mothers day to all 3 of you... LOVED every single photo. that cake looks Devine.. and Pizza and burgers are my favorite foods and I always choose one of them for any celebration... its sad that the entire family is not in one spot... todays world just doesn't end up that way

  4. I hope the back surgery has gone well and you have a quick recovery.
    Wonderful photos of your family, so much to celebrate. Fun Times.
    The pizza and cake look delicious! Have a great day and happy week ahead.

  5. Wine makes pain killers work better 😉. It seems like your surgery has been successful. Like you, I've heard of so many cases where back surgery hasn't worked, or even made pain worse. I don't remember anyone saying theirs was successful.

  6. Happy Anniversary to you both.
    The photos are lovely and always good to have family helping and visiting.
    It's pleasing it to know you got on ok with the surgery.
    Take care.

  7. You finally made it ! Congratulation, the worst is behind you ! And then your family gathering you had quite a few important things to celebrate ! We would have celebrated our 55th wedding anniversary, but got stuck at 53. Fox has a lot of curls ! If they behave that nice how they look it's perfect. Good that Sonya could sell the house and look for one now (probably near you) Dario came last Weekend with giant Toby. He will be 14 in November. I feel really home here now, and yes I still drive with pleasure and without problems better then I walk ! Each time I feel normal I want to plan a trip, but then I have again breathing problems and don't dare. It's strange I don't miss my travels at least for the moment. I have my freedom, company and feel protected, what could I wish more ?

  8. A very Happy Anniversary to you and Bill. Wow, what a lot you two had to celebrate with family. I'm happy for you that you sailed through your surgery and recovery with the loving support of family. It makes such a difference. Your daughter certainly made a fabulous birthday cake to celebrate her son's birthday with all of you too.

  9. I do hope you soon get back to full strength. Lovely to have such good family support.

  10. Congratulations on 55!! Well done! Larry and I will celebrate 52 years in September.
    Hope your back heals nicely and you don't have any more pain!
    Happy Week!

  11. glad you are recovering and will be out of that pain. Congratulations on all the celebrations of anniversary, birthdays, new homes and jobs.
    I'm so glad your family was there to help you.
    Continued healing and enjoying family.

  12. What a saga. Glad to read the operation was sucess.

  13. Sorry that you had to have the op, but if it has worked, and hopefully now you are off pain killers. I am sure it was worthwhile. Looks like you all had a great time together. Cheers t'other Diane

  14. So many happy events to celebrate at your family get together, Diane, best of all is that your surgery went well and hope all continues to go well as you recover. Happy Anniversary to you and Bill as over half a century is quite the accomplishment.

  15. That all sounds incredibly painful Diane. I do hope it is going away by now. Happy 55th wedding anniversary. Lovely to have your girls home to take care of you, and wonderful to see everyone else. Your grandsons are growing up!

  16. You have a lovely family that take care of you in this situation. Hope you will feel better soon, it is the way we all have to deal with when getting older helas.

  17. I'm pleased the operation went well, and I wish you a speedy recovery.

    Lovely family photographs, so good that you were all together.

    Take good care.

    All the best Jan

  18. I hope you are feeling better now! YOu just reminded me that I need to check on a friend who had back surgery a week ago and see if there is anything I can do for her. Have a great weekend!

  19. Is there a problem combining pain killers with wine? If I was forced to choose, I think the wine might be more helpful.

  20. Happy smiles. Happy puppy. :)

    I am sorry about the sciatica. I had it when I was pregnant and everything just sat funny,

  21. You have a great family and lots to celebrate together, The cake looks fabulous. I hope the operation turns out to be a success for you.
