Brisbane, QLD

Wednesday, May 1, 2024


 Sonya's family arrived from Melbourne two weeks ago. The boys have only had a few days at school. They have had to learn the route to walk home from school. So much for them to get used to. Then it was Banjo's birthday last weekend. He hasn't been at school long enough to make any firm friends so he had a family only day. 

His dad cooked him his favourite breakfast of pancakes and maple syrup.

He was excited to receive a book that he had wanted about "How Things are Made".

Then they had a restful time on their deck  before coming over to our place for lunch.

After lunch we had the cake and presents. Banjo loves lamingtons so I built him a cake from lamington squares and fingers. I am not a cook so this was easy for me and he loved it.

We gave him a few presents including my old iPhone 12 Pro. He was overjoyed as he was the only one in the family without a phone.

It is so good having them live in Brisbane. The next day Sonya and Bernie took the boys for a surprise visit to Movie World on the Gold Coast, as a treat for Banjo's 12th birthday.


  1. More than just a birthday celebration having your family co close now.

  2. Do you remember being 12? I was too short and too young for my year at school, but otherwise I thought the world was a pretty cool place. But are 12 year olds optimistic these days?

    1. I remember being happy at 12. We moved out of our garage and into the new house my Dad and Mum built ,it took them 5 years. I had my own room. I also started high school.

  3. it is hard for me to believe he is 12 years old. Happy Birthday Banjo. He has become a handsome young man which was not hard since he has always been a handsome child.. love the cake

  4. Happy Birthday to Banjo! Take care, have a great day!

  5. Nice family celebrations are so good.

  6. Such a handsome young man! Happy Birthday!
    I know he loved the IPhone!

  7. So nice to see them grow up so close by.

  8. Great pictures - happy birthday wishes for Banjo.
    How lovely to have your family close by to you now.

    I hope the operation on your spine goes well, sending lots of good wishes to you.

    All the best Jan

  9. It looks like a great birthday for a young boy. You did well with his cake.

  10. How extra special was this birthday for you, now that they are living in Brisbane?
    Such lovely looking boys. You must be so proud.

  11. I agree with Helen, you have handsome grandsons. The cake looks great!

  12. How wonderful to see the joy on his face. You certainly did a good job of that cake and great that they are living in the same city now.
    Happy Birthday to him.

  13. That really is a fun birthday party! He's at a very cute age and looks like a smart boy! Enjoy your weekend!

  14. My those boys are growing up. We must have been following each others blogs for quite a long time now as I remember them being born.

  15. Happy Belated Birthday Banjo. Sounds like a good day all round, so nice for you to have them closer now. Hope all is well, cheers t'other Diane

  16. It is wonderful, Diane, that you can now celebrate your grandson’s birthday together since they live so close and it looks like Banjo really enjoyed his gifts and cake. Also hope all goes well for you.

  17. So great for all three generations! I'm so happy for you that they moved closer .
