Brisbane, QLD

Thursday, October 20, 2022


It is my favourite season. The temperatures are warm but not too hot. The birds and bees and flowers are filling the village gardens. Here are a few pics of them.

We have a beautiful Callistemon Tree near our front door. When it blooms in Spring we have a variety of honey eaters come to visit. This one is called a Brown Honeyeater-(That's imaginative).

It flits about very quickly and even hangs upside down. They are hard to photograph because they are so fast.
Many loud squawking Lorikeet Parrots come too.

It does acrobats as well.

The Blue Faced Honey eater arrives.

Unfortunately the Callistemon Tree reflects in our glass sliding door and poor old Kookaburra flew 'whack" into the glass and almost knocked itself out. It sat groggily on the balcony for a few minutes before it could manage to fly up to the fence, where it rested a bit longer before he flew into the trees.

They don't eat nectar but insects and small animals.

The bees are busy.

The flowers are stunning especially with the raindrops. We have been having lots of rain this year. At the moment NSW and Victoria have bad floods.


  1. I LOVE your birds and your blooms. It is a love time since we have seen a kookaburra here.

  2. Hello,
    I love the beautiful flowers and all the birds are a lovely sight. Great photos. Take care, enjoy your day!

  3. Getting to enjoy your spring from afar when we are having fall turn to winter quickly is fun. Your flowers and birds are so different to see.

  4. WOW! I absolutely enjoyed the stunning series of photos!
    Happy Thursday!

  5. I love all your exotic birds! The parrot is my favorite except of course for the squawking noise. It's an amazing Bush and all of these are all new Birds to me that I have never seen and probably never will

  6. Between the birds and flowers, the colors are just spectacular! Your photos are wonderful.

  7. Beautiful set of photos. I am always unhappy when you have spring as it means we are heading for winter!!! Keep safe, Cheers t'other Diane

  8. For me too, spring is my favorite season ! Everything smells so good and fresh ! Your photos are beautiful and the little birds would be of great interest to my Rosie ! Unfortunately here the trees have started their annual striptease !

  9. Beautiful post. I love spring too because of all the colourful new growth. Enjoy.

  10. Such joyful spring photos despite the rain. I don't see either of those honeyeaters here.

  11. I love seeing your birds and the beautiful blooms. Here at high altitude in CO, winter is knocking at the door. I have lots of seeds I'm waiting to disperse until we have snow on the ground. Hopefully, when our spring rolls around again, I'll have some wildflowers.

  12. It's nice that you are enjoying your favorite season, Diane, and I am doing the same here in NH, only here it is autumn. The parrot is beautiful and hope the Kookaburra does not knock itself into the window again; glad he survived OK.

  13. Beautiful photographs.

    We have been reading about the floods in the UK ...

    All the best Jan
