Brisbane, QLD

Wednesday, October 26, 2022


 When I was walking in the forest last week the undergrowth had turned yellow. It looked very pretty but it was hard to capture on my phone.

The bushes in the undergrowth were blooming with yellow flowers. Some were like this with a touch of red and others were all yellow. They are a bush pea sometimes called egg and bacon. Their botanical name is Pultenaea daphnoides.
They lined the tracks and stretched as far as you could see but very hard to capture the scene on my phone.

It made our walk much more pretty than usual. However, it was quite painful for me as I have bursitis in my hip and it hurt going uphill. This has been going on for a few weeks so I went to the doctor who gave me a cortisone injection and the pain has subsided but I'm giving it a rest for a week and eating and getting fat instead.


  1. It must be hard to be slowed down by pain when you were very active. Sometimes it can help your mental health to just let things go and indulge.
    The forest where you walk looks quite new without large girthed trees. Maybe it was once farmland.

    1. I was thinking that at some time it has been burnt.

  2. Yes the older, the more problems we say here. We all get some physical stints helas...

  3. If Australia wouldn't be on the other end of the world I would go there now for spring ! Sorry that your hip hurts, I looked up what it is, but even in German I couldn't understand this disease. I am also against cortisone in general one lung doctor wanted to give me that for my breathing problems ! Looks as if it's good (?) for everything ! Maybe you should reduce your walking and take easy ways.

  4. Hello,
    What a pretty place for your walk. The yellow flower and bushes are beautiful. I hope you feel better soon. Take care, enjoy your day!

  5. The hazy yellow gives the scene a Spring look. Thanks for your comment on my blog. It did make me laugh.

  6. soon you can do a selfie to show us your "cortizone gain" and I have seen those in several friends. hope the hip is better and the meds will leave the system and kill the hunger pains

  7. Beautiful area to walk and that first photo of the bush is simply stunning. I do hope your hip will improve. It's so hard to enjoy walks when we are in pain.

  8. Bursitis I'm told is very painful, the rest will do it good Diane.
    What a pretty show are those flowers...thanks for sharing.

  9. I hope your rest helps your hip to recover. The yellow flowers are so pretty.

  10. That's a beautiful walk, thanks for sharing the photos. Love them all! Sorry about your bursitis and I hope it goes away soon.

  11. No matter how pretty the path I don't think it is worth it to be in pain. And it is a very pretty walk! Hope you hip heals quickly and well.

  12. You have the colour of spring now while we have the colour of autumn. Many of out trees are already bare while yours will be sprouting fresh green leaves. Interesting world we live in.
    Have a good weekend, t'other Diane

  13. It's nice to see spring as we are leaving autumn and heading into winter soon enough, Diane. The same affliction also bothers my husband when we go for lengthy walks, but he has not gone for any injections. We may travel abroad next Sept in a hilly area, so he may reconsider.

  14. When i started looking at bush flowers in more detail I was astounded at how many different types of pea shaped flowers there are. You have a wonderful lot there.

  15. The yellow flower and bushes look lovely.
    Hope your hip improves soon.

    All the best Jan

  16. You are so fortunate to have this lovely forest nearby to walk in. I'm sure it is always full of new things to see
