Brisbane, QLD

Thursday, February 6, 2025


Okay so it is ages since we celebrated Australia Day but I only just stumbled on the photos that I took of the celebrations we enjoyed in the Community Centre. We played games, sang Australian Songs, answered trivia questions and we had a sausage sizzle for lunch.

Ian, the Residents Committee Chairperson, opens the proceedings.

For my overseas visitors I need to tell you what this is called in Australia. It is a"thong".  We played a game called "Throwing the Thong". If you get it in the bucket you win a prize.

My neighbour Sue is having a go.

Some energetic ones played Tunnel Ball. Unfortunately I can't anymore due to back problems.

We played pin the tail on the kangaroo, which was painted by one of our talented ladies, Lynne.

The village singers led us in a variety of Australian songs.

Then we enjoyed barbecued sausages with onion and cheese, cooked by the Workshop guys. We sure did have a happy Australia Day


  1. It's great to have such gatherings. Our building had an evening barbeque for Australia Day, but I didn't attend. Apparently it was the largest gathering ever for our building.

  2. For a blissful day, we need music, good food, pleasant wine, summer weather and fun company. You seem to have had it all.

  3. Hello,
    Looks like a fun celebration for Australia Day!
    Everyone looks like they are enjoying the games and the food.
    Take care, have a happy day!

  4. looks and sounds like a lot of fun. we used to call these things, years ago my but with the advent of thong underwear, they are now called flip flops.. because they do flip flop when walking, the sound making some people crazy

  5. What a great day! I can see why you had a very happy Australia Day. Lots of good company, fun entertainment and delicious food. It was fun for me to see this, thanks Diane! I hope your back is doing okay today. :

  6. Your enjoyment is evident! So glad you went. Aloha from Honolulu. Maybe we will see you next time

  7. Wonderful celebrations. So much planning and organisation. You live in an exceptional community.

  8. How wonderful. We use flipflop for your version of thong.

  9. It sounds like lots of fun and despite your back you can enjoy most of what is going on. Have a great weekend, t'other Diane

  10. What fun everyone seemed to have. Love the thong.

  11. Once again it looks like everyone had a wonderful time celebrating Australia Day. The sausage sizzle sounds yummy! Enjoy your weekend with your family.

  12. Seems to be like here, we never miss an occasion to celebrate and have fun ! You have your back and I my lungs which don't allow us to play teenagers !

  13. Another wonderful celebration, Diane, and a belated Happy Australia Day to you and Bill. I did know that what we call a flip-flop was also called a thong, although that word also has quite a different meaning 😀

  14. Your thong(s) are my flip flops :)
    Lovely post and photographs, it looks like a lot of fun was had.

    All the best Jan

  15. It looks like your community had a wonderful Australia Day celebration with fun games and good food!

  16. This sounds so delightful. Happy Australia Day to you.
    I love all the things that happen where you live. Lots of fun and friendship.
