The CEO of our village, Chiou See, is a Singaporean Chinese, who loves cooking. She cooks her staff lunch everyday. She also organises a fabulous Chinese New Year celebration for residents and their families. This year we had 250 guests.

Finally, after a wonderful evening our residents' committee chairperson, Ian, thanked Chiou See for the great night of food, fun, friends and entertainment.
My good friends live in our village too. Dot and I met in hospital when we were giving birth to our first daughters. The girls are 47 this year.
Brian is getting eaten. (This will give him good luck). Brian's wife and I walk together every morning (when I don't have a broken ankle)
Our Maintenance Man and children enjoy the night .
Feeding the Lions money in red envelopes for good luck. Later the eldest person in the room gives all the children a red envelope with money. All part of the tradition.
There is also a Buddha Monk dancing and clearing the way for the lions and a drum band beating out the rhythm.
The lion spots the lettuce.
It usually takes some acrobatic moves of the two dancers inside the lion to reach the lettuce.
The lion eats it and then spits it out some goes over the audience and it is all to do with getting good luck and wealth.
Chiou See and the chef cooked up huge amounts of delicious Chinese food for 250 people.
We were asked to wear red in keeping with the tradition. (First outing without crutches.)

Finally, after a wonderful evening our residents' committee chairperson, Ian, thanked Chiou See for the great night of food, fun, friends and entertainment.