After bragging to my readers that we had Covid under control, it has snuck back into our community. Only in Brisbane not anywhere else in the country. We recorded four new cases over the last few days so now we have been locked down again for at least three days. It is quite harsh. Schools closed. Only essential workers can go to work, wear masks, stay apart, stay home except for food shopping, exercise, and medical reasons. If people have been visiting from other states they have to quarantine for 14 days when they return home. Travel is banned. In the meantime testing and contact tracing has gone into overdrive. The health gurus know that it is the UK strain and it was brought into the country by a returning Aussie from overseas, who was positive and went to hospital for treatment where a doctor became infected and passed it onto a friend. Friend was asymptomatic and passed it onto brother who passed it onto three others.
Unfortunately, our vaccine rollout is slow because we can't get Europe to send enough because they need it and we have to give some of ours to third world Papua/New Guinea. We are due to get our (oldies jab) after Easter. Health workers have had theirs. Care home patients are getting it now. Then us.
So it's time to get a bit of Zen in our village Zen garden.